Our Mission

The Ellinwood Recreation Commission offers an abundance of programs for Youth, Adults and Seniors alike. We are committed to inspiring community enhancement, enrichment, and unity.
Recreation creates friendships and togetherness. It's a great way to keep in shape while having fun. Ellinwood Recreation Commission is always looking volunteers to help with any programs. To learn more, please call 620-566-7323 or email us at ellinwoodrec@gmail.com.

Wellness Center
Elliptical Machines
Exercise Bikes
Weight Machines
Free Weights
Core Room
And more!
Monday - Friday
5AM - 10PM
Single - $20 per Month
Family - $35 per Month
You must sign a contract for at least three months before you are allowed to cancel your membership. Members are given an access card that will allow access 365 days per year between 5 AM and 10 PM daily.

Physical Location:
13 N. Main Street ​
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 342 Ellinwood, KS 67526
Call Us: 620-566-7323
Email Us: ellinwoodrec@gmail.com